
C 232 | 1. poschodie

Orientačný plán


4F is a sports brand created with a passion for sports. Its characteristic feature is a combination of quality materials, modern technologies and the latest trends.

The four letters "F" in the name of our brand represent the words Freedom, Fashion, Future and Fit.
4F takes care of the appearance of our products and enjoys the pleasure that training brings to our customers. 4F reflects on new technologies suitable for current and future generations of athletes. 4F participates in the world's largest sporting events and participates in the lives of local sports teams. 4F has inspired people to start sports and encourages them to make it become a part of their daily lives.

Take a look at our collection and decide what 4F means to you.

Otváracie hodiny

MON - FRI: 9:00 - 21:00

SAT - SUN: 9:00 - 21:00

Orientačný plán

Diana Turnová

0904 860 800



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